Anna a Tomáš chtějí zjistit, jak povrch míče ovlivňuje jeho odraz. Řeší, co se stane, když míč spadne kolmo dolů na rovný, vodorovný povrch. Nakonec jsou přesvědčeni o tom, že míč zrychlení míče roste, když padá dolů a klesá...
Comblab project finished in December 2014. In this website you can download Comblab teaching materials ready to be used in several languages. Currently most Comblab partners go on working with MBL for secondary science.
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MBL Materials
V roce 2012 ochromila Českou republiku tzv. Methanolová aféra. Někteří výrobci spotřebního alkoholu, ve snaze uniknout placení vysoké spotřební daně, přidávali, vzhledem k podobnosti v chuti i vůni, do láhví s alkoholickými...
Jane and Sue are friends and they have not met each other for a long time. Both of them love flowers and plants, especially Sue has apartment full of plants; they are everywhere, in the living room, in the bedroom, in the...
Exploring photosynthesis and respiration using oxygen and carbon dioxide sensors.
Can plants be dangerous in a bedroom? In this activity we will try to investigate transpiration and respiration of plants and on the basis of results to find out the answer to the question.
Poden ser perilloses les plantes en una habitació?
Material per alumnat d'ESO
One of the ever-popular favourites in the playground is the child swing. Kids love to ride the swings at the playground. Given the following situation: Ann (20kg) and Tom (30kg argue in front of two child swings (Length 2.4m...
Combine motion of the own body with position-time graphs; understand the concept of velocity and the difference of velocity and speed using motion detector.