Místo toho, aby ryby dýchaly kyslík, získávají ho z vody díky svým žábrám. Množství rozpuštěného kyslíku ve vodě je často udáváno v miligramech na litr vody. V této činnosti jste požádáni, abyste zjistili, co má vliv...
Comblab project finished in December 2014. In this website you can download Comblab teaching materials ready to be used in several languages. Currently most Comblab partners go on working with MBL for secondary science.
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MBL Materiály
Tutkimuksia EKG-mittarilla.
In 2012, the Czech Republic was paralyzed by „The methanol affair“. Some manufacturers of alcoholic drinks at black market, to avoid of paying the high consumption tax, added methanol into the alcoholic drinks instead of...
Home gardening has become popular hobby recently. Those who cannot grow their own vegetables, spices and fruits in a garden, use the option to purchase such crops from small farmers or from so-called organic farms.
Material per alumnat de Batxillerat
Material per alumnat d'ESO
Què saps de la fermentació?
Material per alumnat de Batxillerat
Material per alumnat de quart d'ESO
Què hem de tenir en compte per fer un bon extintor?