If you are happy to work with MBL or you support an employment of MBL in science education (or not, it does not matter), we would like to cordially invite you to our COMBLAB courses held in the framework of the Eropean project COMBLAB. The COMBLAB course - "MBL - way of smart thinking and good teaching" is primarily focused on MBL (microcomputer based laboratory) and on computer supported experiments and, as well as on implementation of IBSE (inquiry based science education) together with MBL into primary and secondary science education. The course is absolutly free, including refreshment and accommodation. You need just to pay travel expenses.
The dates of the courses held in 2014 are the following:
- 3.10. - 4.10. 2015 (12:30 - 18:30 a 9:00 - 13:00) - Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague 2, Albertov (map 1, map 2)
- 14.11. - 15.11. 2015 (12:30 - 18:30 a 9:00 - 13:00) - Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague 2, Albertov (map 1, map 2)
- 1.12. 2015 (8:00 - 18:00) - Gymnázium Polička, Eastern Bohemia (map)
- 2.12. - 3.12. 2015 (12:30 - 18:30 a 9:00 - 13:00) - Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague 2, Albertov (map 1, map 2)
- 3.12. 2015 (8:00 - 18:00) - ZŠ a MŠ Kameničky, Eastern Bohemia (map) - 8:00 - 18:00
- 15.12. 2015 (8:30 - 14:00; seminář) - Gymnázium Jeronýmova, Liberec, North Bohemia (map)
The particular location (room, how to get there) and the more detail information will be send to you after registration (see registration form link below) by e-mail.
Registration form is here:
In the case of two-day courses, an accommodation is available. In particular, our accommodation facilities are kolej Budeč and kolej Komenského. Kolej Budeč is not far, no more than 20 min. walk. Kolej Komenského is in Parléřova street, it is a longer way, nevertheless, there is a tram stop near the kolej Komenského, and a direct tram to faculty. Concrete information about accommodation (who, where, how to get to the faculty) will be sent after registration and on a basis of available rooms. Basic information about accommodation facilities can be fount at: http://kam.cuni.cz/KAM-47.html či http://kolejbudec.unas.cz/kolej.php .
The invitation and the programme can be found in pdf below, programme and invitation to the other courses are the same. In the case of any question, please, let me know. We can be contacted at tel: 221 951 344, or e-mail: psmejkal@natur.cuni.cz).
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